AppliedHE University Ranking: ASEAN Public & Private

Steps to Participate

Actively participating in the AppliedHE ranking process ensures that all information about your university can be incorporated in the AppliedHE rankings. To participate, your institution must do three things:

  1. Register and submit basic data about faculty, students and employability (with supporting documents, such as a graduate tracer study/survey, see the data submission checklist in the Methodology),
  2. Have a minimum 40% or 350 student response rate (whichever is lower) to the AppliedHE University Ranking Student Survey (try the demo survey in English, Indonesian, Chinese (simplified), Thai, Vietnamese)
  3. Complete our peer-institution nomination survey, where a university nominates private and public universities which it holds in high regard (tentatively 7 each).
  4. Receive our ranking information file, which contains relevant benchmarking information and raw student survey data + Google Scholar data.

Universities that decide not to participate (“non reporting”) will still be included in the ranking for reference purposes using estimated indicators based on publicly available data.

Ranking Timeline

In order to participate in the 2023 rankings (to be launched on 1 December 2023), universities need to complete the data collection process before 1 November 2023. Based on these deadlines, participating universities can follow the following timeline:

Registration and Data Submission1 July – 1 October 2023
Ranking Student Survey1 July – 1 November 2023
Peer Institution Nomination Survey15 October – 1 November 2023
Receive Ranking Information File~15 November 2023
Ranking Launch & Publication1 December 2023