Rating Process and Timeline

AppliedHE JOB-Ready Rating (August 2023)

The AppliedHE JOB-Ready Rating is relatively straightforward and is outlined below.

  1. Submit basic institutional data about the institution and its employment clusters (see the data submission checklist in the Methodology),
  2. Institutions will receive online survey links which they should distribute amongst students, faculty, alumni and employers. The target response rates are:
    • 40% or 350 students (whichever is lower)
    • Faculty or employers: 20% of the student respondent target. E.g. 200 student response target = 40 faculty or employers.
    • Alumni: same as student response target.
  3. Receive rating reports, certificates and badges, which contains relevant benchmarking information and expresses the institution’s rated status.

The rating timeline is flexible.

  • Institutions typically take approximately two weeks to submit data.
  • Survey links are usually issued within one week. Surveys typically take 1-2 months to run.
  • The rating reports are generated within two weeks after completing the surveys, although thiscould be delayed if an extended data audit is conducted by AppliedHE.

Based on our experience, the total rating process takes a minimum of two months to reach completion.