Rating Methodology

JOB-Ready Rating (August 2023)

The AppliedHE JOB-Ready Rating provides a 360-degree overview of how a higher education institution prepares its students for their chosen career path.

This information is gathered from detailed online stakeholder surveys, which cover current students, faculty, alumni and employers.

The information gathered through these surveys is presented in a comprehensive three-part report:

  • Institutional Evaluation – which provides insight into three core aspects of an institution: teaching and learning, diversity and inclusion, as well as a broad perspective on industry experience and careers (including aspects such as life-long learning and future work-life balance). Institutions are benchmarked against global peers located in countries such as India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia and Taiwan. The performance of different Employment Clusters within the institution are also being compared.
  • Student Prospectus – which is written with a student audience in mind, providing independent, data-driven insights into different aspects of a higher education institution’s performance from a student perspective.
  • Alumni Career Monitor – original research into the career paths of alumni that can help an institution gauge its impact on the labor market and provides insight into one of its most important stakeholder groups.

Taken together, the rating reports provide unparalleled institutional insights. Furthermore, the rating badges and certificates are an objective and independently verified mark of quality, that can be used for internal and external stakeholder engagement and marketing.

Rating Criteria

The Institutional Evaluation is centered around the following criteria and are based on specific kinds of stakeholder surveys.

  • Teaching and Learning
    • Teaching, Learning and Assessment (student survey)
    • Student Experience (student survey)
    • Faculty Satisfaction (faculty survey)
  • Diversity and Inclusion
    • Inclusiveness (student and faculty surveys)
    • Intercultural Understanding (student survey)
    • Community Engagement (student survey)
  • Industry Experience and Careers
    • Industry Exposure (student, faculty and employer surveys)
    • Skills and Employability (employer survey)
    • Life Satisfaction (alumni survey)

Institutions that score more than half a standard deviation below AppliedHE’s benchmark data will not receive an official public rating, but they will receive full reports which highlight the areas that need to be addressed, and the institutions can be re-rated in the future.

Institutional Data Submission Checklist

Institutions participating in the AppliedHE JOB-Ready Rating must submit the following data:

  1. Institution name – Please enter the name used by your institution for English-speaking international audiences.
  2. Location of institution – Please indicate the location of your institution.
  3. Confirm that your institution qualifies for the rating – (a) Institution provides post-secondary higher education, (b) Institution currently enrolls at least 200 students, (c) Institution has graduated at least 200 students during the past 5 years, (d) Institution is recognized by the government as a locally accredited institution of higher learning.
  4. Nominate an official contact person (liaison) with their name, designation, email address and telephone number.
  5. Institution logo (png, gif, jpg, jpeg, maximum size 5 MB) and link to official English-language website.
  6. List programs and student numbers per employment cluster. This information should be prepared before starting the data submission. An overview of the employment clusters and typical programs can be found here. Employment clusters should each have at least 200 students currently enrolled. As there can be some ambiguity in where programs are assigned, institutions should group programs in the way that makes most sense from an employer’s or student’s perspective.
  7. Institution’s official web domain (used for faculty e-mail)
  8. Name of institution in other languages than English, so that we can track its online presence
  9. A link to the institution’s official Google Scholar profile (if available)