Terms and Conditions

AppliedHE University Ranking: ASEAN Public & Private (June 2023)

By submitting data to AppliedHE as part of the ranking process, you and your institution agree to, and are aware of the following:

  1. AppliedHE Survey Privacy Statement.
  2. The person submitting data about an institution to AppliedHE is authorized to do so by that institution.
  3. Data submitted to AppliedHE cannot be withdrawn, but it can be amended if errors are found.
  4. Data submitted to AppliedHE by the institution or its students is kept confidential, but it can be shared with third parties, including the public, in the following ways:
    • if published in anonymized or aggregated form, such as in ranking results,
    • for the purpose of ensuring data validity and transparency; AppliedHE reserves the right to publish student and faculty numbers (including international) and post-graduate employability data submitted by the institution.
  5. By submitting data to AppliedHE, the institution agrees to comply with reasonable requests by AppliedHE aimed at establishing the validity of the submitted data.
  6. Institutions that submit data and who are included in a ranking will receive a data file with detailed information on their rank and third-party data about their institution for verification purposes.
  7. AppliedHE reserves the right to exclude an institution from its rankings for any reason.
  8. AppliedHE reserves the right to use data submitted by an institution for more than one ranking.
  9. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with participation in AppliedHE rankings shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration administered by the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) in accordance with its arbitration rules. The seat of the arbitration shall be Singapore, with 1 arbitrator and arbitration shall be carried out in English.